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Public building wall

Generally public consumption building is belonging to public building, , its characteristic is load strength, high security level, large construction area,considering the situation of traffic evacuation for large flow crowd, such as railway stations, cinemas, etc.

As high personnel clustering for public buildings, put high requirements on the safety of the wall, the wall has to be fireproof, earthquake proof, anti-impact resistance, heat preservation and heat insulation, and public buildings are mostly some landmark buildings, more requirements for wall materials should be green environmental protection, no toxic substances. DQ lightweight wall panel compared with traditional block,better meet the needs of the public building of wall materials.

Generally public consumption building is belonging to public building, , its characteristic is load strength, high security level, large construction area, considering the situation of traffic evacuation for large flow crowd, such as railway stations, cinemas, etc.

Public building wall requirements



As high personnel clustering for public buildings, put high requirements on the safety of the wall, the wall has to be fireproof, earthquake proof, anti-impact resistance, heat preservation and heat insulation, and public buildings are mostly some landmark buildings, more requirements for wall materials should be green environmental protection, no toxic substances. DQ lightweight wall panel compared with traditional block, better meet the needs of the public building of wall materials.


DAQUAN Public building wall solution






internal wall


products and


Products: DQ lightweight

sandwich panel (FPB)

Wall thickness: 50-120mm thick


Products: DQ lightweight

sandwich panel (SPB)

Wall thickness: 90-120mm thick




external wall


products and


Products: DQ lightweight

sandwich panel (FPB)

Wall thickness: 150-200mm thick


Products: DQ lightweight

sandwich panel (SPB)

Wall thickness: 150-200mm thick


The application case

1.   Wuhan Tianhe airport T3 terminal building

2.   Wuhan metro line 2 / / line 3 / line 4/ line 6 etc, partition wall

3.   Hubei province people's hospital of eastern hospital



Site construction View





Application Case

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