Current Location:Home»Cases
  • Poly times square of lightweight partition project

    Poly times square of lightweight partition project

    Location of project: hubei wuhan the mountain road Cooperation unit: tatsumi construction Plate type and dosage of use: FPB90, 15000 square meters

  • Hubei province people's hospital of eastern hospital of lightweight partition project

    Hubei province people's hospital of eastern hospital of lightweight partition project

    Optical valley hospital/project name: hubei province people's hospital of hubei province mental health center partition project Location of project: hubei wuhan jiangxia district Cooperation unit: zhongtian LiuJian Plank used types and dosage: SPB120 / SPB150 (interior and exterior wall), about 200000 square meters Construction completion date: in December 2013-2016

  • Tianhe airport T3 terminal building of lightweight partition project

    Tianhe airport T3 terminal building of lightweight partition project

    Project name: tianhe airport T3 terminal building Location of project: huangpi district of wuhan tianhe airport Cooperation unit: build three innings decoration co., LTD Plank used types and dosage: FPB90 / FPB120, 60000 square meters Construction completion date: May 2016 -

  • Lightweight partition board production line factory in Iran

    Lightweight partition board production line factory in Iran

    Light board production line is mainly composed of mixing equipment, foam equipment, mold and other such equipment of form a complete set of machinery, the production of production line is mainly composed of mould quantity to determine. This production line is characterized by less equipment investment, the subsequent expansion has strong maneuverability, high production efficiency. Provided free of charge the company brand, trade mark, the technological process of technical training, as a factory company (cooperation), production, installation, sales, to provide comprehensive support and services. Specific data acquisition, to buy advisory welcome call 027-87506506

  • The new fuel lake valley packaging products factory

    The new fuel lake valley packaging products factory

    Project name: the new lake valley fuel packaging products factory Location of project: hubei wuhan dongxihu district has superior Cooperation unit: wuhan diameter river construction group co., LTD Plate using models and usage: 90 composite sandwich board, about 3000 ㎡

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