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Industrial building wall

Industrial building serves as the place of workshop to intensive production, its construction must meet the equipment storage, storage of raw materials, product transportation and other basic production needs, and at the same time provide comfortable working environment for staff, therefore, the planning and design of industrial building has many different characteristics of the civil building. Industrial workshop has special requirements in earthquake proof, sound insulation, fireproof, etc.

Industrial building wall requirements: industrial building wall has higher requirements for fire endurance and combustion performance, at the same time for earthquake proof and anti-impact resistance. DQ lightweight wall panel fully meet the demand of industrial factory building wall for earthquake proof (high strength), fireproof (4 hours).

Industrial building serves as the place of workshop to intensive production, its construction must meet the equipment storage, storage of raw materials, product transportation and other basic production needs, and at the same time provide comfortable working environment for staff, therefore, the planning and design of industrial building has many different characteristics of the civil building. Industrial workshop has special requirements in earthquake proof, sound insulation, fireproof, etc.

Industrial building wall requirements



 Industrial building wall has higher requirements for fire endurance and combustion performance, at the same time for earthquake proof and anti-impact resistance. DQ lightweight wall panel fully meet the demand of industrial factory building wall for earthquake proof (high strength), fireproof (4 hours).

DAQUAN Industrial building wall solution






internal wall


products and


Products: DQ lightweight

sandwich panel (FPB)

Wall thickness: 50-120mm thick

Products: DQ lightweight

sandwich panel (SPB)

Wall thickness: 90-120mm thick



external wall


products and


Products: DQ lightweight

sandwich panel (FPB)

Wall thickness: 150-200mm thick

Products: DQ lightweight

sandwich panel (SPB)

Wall thickness: 150-200mm thick

The application case

1.   Bridgestone (WUHAN) Chemical products co., LTD.factory partition wall

2.   Dongfeng Honda factory Two workshop partition wall project

3.   CHINA ANIMAL HUSBANDRY Feed additive factory



Site construction Viewt





Application Case

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